Sorry for the ongoing downtime. I thought it best to give some brief details on what is happening and the current status. At approx 4PM Los Angeles time on Friday all our servers became inaccessible. The support portal for our colocation provider (we own the servers and rent the space, power, bandwidth) was also inaccessible but more worryingly their corporate website, that did load, simply showed a page with their logo. After some digging online it looks like they have been going out of business over the past 3 months and they had been evicted from another LA location last month and likely from where our servers are more recently. I've been able to get in contact with some people involved but that process has been slowed by mainly it being the weekend. The owner of the provider that has taken over the space has confirmed to me they have located our equipment and my current expectation is it will be brought back online Monday/Tuesday. So please bear with me while I get this mess sorted out and the site back online as I'm currently at the mercy of others and the speed at which they want to do things.