Issue. 43  
  Wednesday, September 18, 2024 [Exit]
Table of Contents
Page 1 - Intro
Table of Contents
Letter From the Editor:
Everything Old is New Again!
Page 2 - Ragtag Review
Staff Feature: Artist Meek
Page 3 - Theme
A Blast from the Past:
Hobo Name Origins
Back in my Day...
Page 4 -Beggar's Bullion
Market Watch
The Stock Market Game
Page 5 - Gangs Alley
Gang Features & News
Gang Rankings
Page 6 - Sports Section
Off to the Races!
Northern Fence Charts
Page 7 - Non-Hobo
Smurf's Art Board
Page 8 - Community Board
Page 9 - Next Episode...
Writers Call
Page 10 - Credits
A Special Thank You to:
Dr Who
Papa Smurf
Mental Max
and Shadow Dreams


A walk down memory lane inspired by this thread

On the old SGHM system:
KITTIPOE: You new hobos have it so easy. Back in my day, you had to wait in 10 minute increments to recieve your goods from the SGHM:
"11/03 09:10.02 AM _ A delivery of a Garbage Bag (D: -6) has arrived."

FRYDADDY: I remember when you had to trust the other person to deliver the goods after payment

DAT: I remember waiting on the sghm.
Problem was back then, there wasn't as much to do. So by the time you made the cash to buy what you needed, you were mostly bored waiting for it.

On old HW events:
XORBI: Anyone remember the gang so used to run a last one standing type comp? Their members had the protect kick option set and everyone came over and had kick powers. The last one remaining won.

DR WHO: Dead Rabbits ran it several times. We called it "King of the Hill". It was a lot of fun.

CHUPACABRA: Oh man, what a throwback. This game was the best. We ran it 3 or 4 times..... It was generally around 150-200 people playing the game at a time, and everyone would be kicked and the winner declared within 30 seconds of the start time. This was around the time I was buying & selling gangs for profit, and needed something to do with the shell during the in-between phases.

On retro technology:
BUDDHA: I do remember people sneaking in flash drives so we could play at school

DAT: Remember dial up?
Windows 3.1? Then windows 95? MUDs? Only one land line in the house for the dial up? 30 minute page loads?

KITTIPOE: TFW you want to use the internet to play neopets but your mom is on the phone.
I also used to troll telemarketers by making the screechy internet sounds with my mouth and see if they would fall for it. A few of them were like "I know youre making those noises and they dont pay me enough to care."

Dude, but remember when printer paper used to come with those rippable hole strips?!

DAT: But do you remember the ungodly amount of ink it took to run that oversized O'Reillys printer? Remember birthday banners you didn't have to tape together?

On old school crime:
KITTIPOE: I specifically remember stealing music in the late 90s by tape recording songs off the radio.

DAT: Wait all day to hit record on the song you want, just to replay it and realize someone yelled at you to turn that shit down half way through the song!

On junk-food inflation:
COOK: Back in my days you could buy a packet of tick tacks for 20c

DAT: Back in my day you could buy a Mt. Dew and a Reese's all for the same dollar bill.


This is the first article I am writing using my real hobo name. As some of you have already figured out, I am the author of the visiting author series in the hobopaper. I reflected on the genesis of my hobo name. The first name I had was Soul Assassin. It represented a time when I thought the game was all about just bashing other hobos in true berserker fashion. The next name I used was Ronin. That name represented a time when I wandered from gang to gang not really fitting in anywhere. I joined Piemen and thought I belonged there, so I upgraded the name to Shogun. I wanted to continue the Asian theme of my former name yet demonstrate my pride in entering an elite gang. (Sadly this did not work out well)

For a very short time I again reverted to Ronin (symbolizing my angst at finding where I truly belonged). I finally ended up at Crazy. There I learned about cooperative game play. I changed my entire style of play here. I became much less interested in just self-development and began to play a much more cooperative and honorable style of play. The name Honorable Shogun just seemed to reflect my hobo journey.

Contemplating the Genesis of my name got me interested in the origins of other hobo’s names. I figured this article would be as good a time as any, to find out how some of you came up with your hobo names. I asked some of you: "How did you come up with your hoboname?" Here are the results…

Halo Hobo: “Mine came from a Beanie Babie.... (a little stuff animal that was an angel - it was a craze back when I signed up) “

Prof. PatThetic: “Pat Thetic is the name of the drummer of the band - Anti-Flag, one of my fav bands at the time of sign up. It also seemed to be suitably hobo-ish, The Prof part stems from a Prof. PatThetic moniker/alter ego I would adopt when running 'Intel Academy' programs in a couple of my old gangs. I decided to make Prof a permanent part of my name upon reached 2,500 intel. Plus alliteration is fun.”

¤AS¤nevah agin mothah " : :wave: Delighted to In the late 1950's and early 60's some young Jewish radicals formed a group called the JDL (Jewish Defense League) to fight anti-Semitism. Their motto was Never Again! Meaning never again will we succumb to anti-Semitism as we did during WW II Nev+ah" "agin" and mothah are an homage to my brothers and sisters of the Civil Rights movement who I marched with for many years and their patois "

{VAG} Joda: “Mocking my older boy who goes by Joe. Joe, duh became Joda. Conveniently, it has some appropriate translations en espanol.”

Catkin: “At the time of signing up i had a three legged cat who i adored. I wanted the simple name of Cat but it had already been taken so chose Catkin. My cat has since died and i now have two retired racing greyhounds. If i changed my name now it would be to Hound but then noone will know who I am......maybe that would be a good thing”

Brachial: “An artery in your arm/shoulder that I was studying for my radiography degree. I took a break from studying and my nephew got me to sign up......little fucker”

†ëh Xörbi: “My football team is Glasgow Rangers, their stadium is Ibrox Stadium. Xorbi is Ibrox backwards. I pronounce it Zor - bay.” Nothing special here, but I'll tell it anyways..

Freddy: “My name came from the respect rank Freddy Kruger.. at the time I wanted to get that rank, so I set my name to it.. Eventually everyone started calling me freddy so I shortened it down to just Freddy”

†ëh Whelhelm: “Whilhelm is my German equivalent of my actual name, William.”

imgumbydammit : "was at work, guy told me about the game and thought "i always liked eddie murphy doing gumby". i knew from the start damn it wasn't dammit, but eddie made it sound better and i thought of it as dammit. "

golden white blue monkey : "Basically, i like monkeys. i would prefer simian as a name, but monkey stuck. i call pets and dear ones my little monkey sometimes. plus they do crazy stuff but still exhibit enough human-like behavior to stand out amongst the animal kingdom. the wide range of expressions and outward attitudes monkeys have makes me feel excitement. literally. monkeys are exciting to me. that is the short version "

Gyro5 : "Hello, How are you?? I thought you were going to ask "Why aren't you in a gang"? I get asked that several times a week. Someone told me I'm the only player that has gone this far and never been in a gang.

Anyway regarding your question. Why Gyro5, I think the most obvious answer would be that I love Gyros and I can eat 5 at a time. Well I actually don't like Gyro's but I helped develop a Gyroscope that is implimented in aerial navigation that we called Gyro5, hence the name. Gyro5"

Josie Derk : "my name is a spoonerism. "

Creps: "Creps is shortened from Mr.Crepsley. Mr. Crepsley is a major character in the series of books Cirque Du Freak."

Df Sprinkles : "I chose Sprinkles for a couple of reasons. One of my families close friends was named Jimmy. He died of cancer a few years ago and I wanted to remember him. A popular nickname for sprinkles is Jimmies, so I took the name to honor him. The other reason is because I love doughnuts. For some reason the name Doughnut didn't seem quite right, so I went with the most fun doughnut topping I could think of. Sprinkles just seemed to fit, it was fun, it had meaning, and I liked it.

Thanks for asking. It's been a long time since I've thought about it and it's fun to reminisce. "

۞ dirtypiston: "well years back i was dating a girl and her dads best friend always called me bigpiston ( i am 6 foot 7) and he liked to bug my girlfriends dad that anyone this tall has to be well hung!!! that name i had a couple years then one drunken weekend i went home with a couple women from the bar that were a bit on the whorish side so then my friends switched from bigpiston to dirtypiston..."

Lon : "I tried to think of the guy who was flat broke, and the name that came to mind was Doyle Lonnegan from the movie 'The Sting' "

wiz♛hit : "I was going to use "wizard or wiz" but that was already taken so I went with a hybrid of how my hobo is built. Noun 1. wiz - someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field 1hit verb : to move your hand, a bat, etc., quickly so that it touches someone or something in a forceful or violent way : to cause (something, such as a ball) to move by hitting it forcefully with a bat, racket, etc. : to touch (something or someone) in a forceful or violent way after moving at a high speed and thats how it worked out Thanks for asking "

Slowsky: "Slowsky's are turtles used in these older Comcast internet commercials, as seen in this youtube link"

It would seem that the reasons for Hobo name choices, vary from the hilarious to the tragic and everything in-between. Thank you to those who shared how their names came about.

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